Exclusively Android

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Optimized for Nexus 7

First baby steps for optimizing the app for tablets have been taken. The app is now optimized to make use of the extra screen available for 7" and above tablets like the Nexus 7.

Though Android tablets adoption has been slow, plethora of affordable tablets flooding have opened new user base for Android tablets. If phone is perfect for recording daily expenses on the go, tablets are perfect for viewing. Tablet UI is all focused on showing the data.

More tablet specific features are coming in the future. Do checkout the app on your tablet and provide us feedback.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Simpler UI, searching transactions and more.

Version 1.7 was released on Nov 30, with number of enhancements to make the app easier to use and a few bug fixes.

Tags created now on-wards are all in lower case. Multiple tags with same name but different case has been a source of bugs and confusion.

Main page has been simplified to navigate easily. Now, no more two clicks to go to transactions, reminders, adding a transaction etc. Less frequent things are relegated to Settings(Repeating transactions).

Summary page is now so much better and shows both summary of children tags and transactions of the tag.

One exciting enhancement is the ability to search for transactions/transaction. You can search for a transaction either by tag, or note or even amount. And it will instantly find the relevant transactions, and more, it will show the summary of transactions matching the search criteria. Very useful if you want to see how much you spent on a particular item(if you wrote the item in the note or a tag).

Let us know your comments on the enhancements. Also, if there is anything else you want to see in the app.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Version 1.6

Version 1.6 was released a few days ago. We now are happy to say that you can track your income with the app. Yay!!

There was a minor update(version 1.6.1) pushed out today which fixed a few bugs pointed out by our users. Also, you can now rename tags. Keep sending us feedback.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Version 1.2

Version 1.2 of the One touch expenser was released a couple of days ago. It contains one exciting feature: Tidbits. You might have noticed that the action bar at the bottom is now gone and might have noticed Board now. Board houses tidbits.

Tidbits can be about anything. If you have not set any budget, it will ask you to set your monthly budget. If there are any one touch transactions whose data has to be filled, it will show it in the board. If there are any reminders in the near future, it will show you.

One of the most useful features of tidbits is showing the transactions for which data has to be filled. Say you were outside and you one touched after you spent. After reaching home, you want to fill the details without waiting for the notification. Now, if you open the app, you can see the tidbit at bottom showing you the one touch transaction. You can directly fill from there. Very convenient!!

If the 4*1 widget stopped updating expenses, please remove and add it again. It is a known issue and will be rectified in the coming release.

Keep providing us feedback. There are very few tidbits which are shown now. But we hope to expand greatly in future and adding personal touch to the app.

Friday, July 13, 2012

You got a reminder!

Exciting features are planned for One touch expenser. And the plan is to release them at break-neck speed. Today on-wards, the app can remind you of the expenses you need to make.

Reminders are one of the most important functions of a mobile device. Phones are the most suitable devices to remind you. In olden days, you had a pager, nowadays, smartphones.

I need to buy groceries while coming back from office, remind me to buy groceries at 6PM.
Need to pay rent every month, remind me at the start of every month to pay 3000 in rent.
Need to pay electricity bill, remind me 1 week before the due date. Since the amount changes every month, let me leave it blank and add it when I pay the bill.

No more overdue bills with reminders in your pocket. If you do not pay, it will compel you to pay!!

Go ahead. Grab the latest 1.1 version. The greatest little personal expenser for android. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.blrdroid.expenseapp

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One touch expenser hits 1.0 version

We are happy to release 1.0 version of the one touch expenser app. There are lot of improvements in nearly every department.

One of the most exciting features is the support for the repeating expenses. If you have a few expenses which are of repetitive nature, like paying rent every month, or phone bill, etc., you can enter them once and forget. The app will enter those expenses for you every month.

Another improvement is the presence of action bar. Navigation is no more hidden in the menu button but present at the bottom of the phone and enhances the usability of the app.

There are a lot of bug fixes, visual enhancements and subtle improvements which we hope will go a long way in making the app pleasurable to use.

We have only scratched the surface. Exciting things are yet to come. Will be sharing it in this blog.

Keep giving us feedback and show your love by sharing the app and rating it. Thank you all.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Expenser.in. Entering the post-PC era.

We are hard at work to improve One Touch Expenser and have decided to plunge into one of the most hyped subject, the Post-PC era.

iPhone and rise of Android heralded the Post-PC era and now tablets and iPad are fast forwarding us to an era where PC is just one of the many companion devices. Seamless experience between devices will be the key for any software to be useful going forward and that's what we aim to do with our new website Expenser.in.

More details coming soon!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Budgetting is the new feature which will debut on the one touch expenser app. Budgetting is a nice little feature which will allow you to set overall monthly budget, and budget for individual tags.

Once you set the budget, you can see the total budget, remaining amount spent everything on the homepage for total monthly budget.

In summary section, along with the total amount spent in a Tag criteria, you can also see the budget allocated for the tag and remaining for the tag.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feedback for the app.

I have been getting feedback for the app from many people. Thought of posting some of them. I'm going to concentrate on the areas of improvement rather than compliments since they are the ones which help in improving the app.

1. Intuitiveness. Though the app looked good, it still is not intuitive enough. Hope to improve intuitiveness as the app matures. If there is one area which calls for complete focus, it is this.
2. Reminders: Can the app remind us daily even though there were no pending transactions recorded through 1 touch or camera? This is an idea if done right, can be very much helpful.
3. Summary page. Small problems with it. I have to confess that summary page was not planned for the first release and was an after thought. Will be significantly improved in the coming versions.

If you have any other let us know. This is the only way to enhance the app for easier use.

Market Link: https://market.android.com/details?id=org.blrdroid.expenseapp

Direct link to install from phone: market://details?id=org.blrdroid.expenseapp

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The app is in android market.

One touch expenser is in market. This is the link:  https://market.android.com/details?id=org.blrdroid.expenseapp

You can directly install the app using the link: market://details?id=org.blrdroid.expenseapp

Version 0.3 has just been released. Since this is a new app, brace yourself for a fast update schedule till the app stabilizes :-)

Friday, March 2, 2012

One Touch Expenser android app.

The aim of one touch expenser is not to be loaded with features but to be intuitive and easy to use.

Target audience
Anyone who wants to keep track of their day to day personal expenses and analyse their spending patterns to cut down unnecessary expenses.

The app is not for: 
Not a comprehensive expense manager. This does not support multiple accounts, currencies, reconciling etc etc. If your aim is to track your business expenses then the app is not for you.

Inspired from the difficulties faced in recording the expenses with the current expense manager apps in the market. Forgetting to enter expenses was the biggest problem in maintaining expense records. 
It was not the problem with apps per se. It was my own problem that I kept forgetting to enter the expenses. An app cannot help me if I do not record my expenses!!

How this app is different
So does is this app magically know all my expenses without me entering my expenses?!? No. You still have to enter the data :). Its all about ease of recording your expense. 

Right time to record your expense:
Right time is the moment you spend your money. That moment when you swipe your card or hand over the cash is the moment you should record it. But... It is so difficult to enter the data on the move. 

Problem with current apps:
After I fill up my gas tank, I should stop my car, take out my phone, open the app, enter the amount, enter note, select the Automobile category, then Fuel sub category, save. exit. Phew!! I neither have time nor patience for it. So what do I do? I'll think, let me record it once I reach the place. Then I'm busy and I will not remember to enter data. After 3-4 days, when you are entering your expenses, you will start remembering and it becomes a mess.

One Touch Expenser?
With one touch expenser, after I fill up my gas tank, I will simply touch the One touch button on the widget and I'm done. I need not do anything else.
Then in the evening, when I'm home relaxing, phone will remind me to fill up the details of the expense. Since the expenses are for the same day, I can easily remember details of all the transactions I made. Even if I'm unable to enter details at the time, I will be reminded the next day. Phone will show me the date and time to help me remembering the transaction.
You can snap a photo if it helps to remember the details as well.

One Touch Expenser wins 2nd prize in the Global Android Devcamp '12 Bangalore edition

One touch expenser is runners up in the GADC '12 Bangalore edition!! Link here: http://blog.blrdroid.org/?p=539